Others Ways to Donate

There are more ways you can help Household Goods & Furniture aid families in need. Here are some alternatives:


One way to aid the organization you value the most is by offering a bequest. Household Goods & Furniture can receive a bequest according to your will or can be a retirement plan or life insurance beneficiary.

Donate a Vehicle

If you own a car that you’d like to give to charity, please contact us by clicking here.

Start a Fundraiser

If you love to bake, run, bike, or gather with your friends. Then, why not do those things for a cause by helping Household Good & Furniture? Here are some ideas to help you:

  • Bake and sell
  • Car washes
  • Anniversaries, birthday parties, graduation gifts
  • Facebook fundraising

Memorial Donations

Give others a gift in good memory of your loved one. Please let us know the name of your special someone who deserves to receive the acknowledgment.

Honorary Donations

Donate for a good cause. We accept honorary donations from anniversaries, birthdays, graduation, and other special occasions. Please let us know the honoree who deserves to get an acknowledgment.

Household Goods & Furniture is an autonomous non-profit organization. All donations given are also tax-deductible.